Just Add Code




global $ec3,$wpdb;

// Find the upcoming events.
$calendar_entries = $wpdb->get_results(
p.id AS id,
u.$ec3->wp_user_nicename AS author,
FROM $ec3->schedule s
LEFT JOIN $wpdb->posts p ON s.post_id=p.id
LEFT JOIN $wpdb->users u ON p.post_author = u.id
WHERE p.post_status=’publish’ AND start < NOW()
//echo "hi";
//echo count($calendar_entries);
echo "History

foreach($calendar_entries as $entry)
echo “” . get_the_title($entry->id) . “
echo $entry->start . “
echo $entry->post_content . “



Introduction to Client Object Model
12/10/09 – 5:30 PM – Minneapolis Office Developer Interest Group (MODIG)
Get a handle on what the Client Object Model means for developers.

Introduction to Workflow Development
6/24/08 – 5:30 PM – Minneapolis Office Developer Interest Group (MODIG)
Need to get started with developing workflows for SharePoint 2007? This session will be a quick primer to get started with workflow development. We’ll cover the basics of SharePoint’s workflow architecture, activities and how it all ties together. We’ll also explore how to add new activities to SharePoint Designer.

Coding in PowerShell
8/14/08 – 5:30 PM – Twin Cities Language User Group
PowerShell is Microsoft’s latest command line shell, formerly codenamed Monad. But PowerShell isn’t just for administrators. Though they might not admit it, PowerShell is .NET’s first scripting language. Learn how PowerShell’s constructs combine a shell and programming language and leverage its powerful capabilities into your own environment.

PowerShell for SharePoint Developers
6/24/08 – 5:30 PM – Minneapolis Office Developer Interest Group (MODIG)
PowerShell isn’t just for administrators! It can greatly speed up development time and broaden your understanding of how your code is executing inside of SharePoint. Changing the value of all the list items in a folder with specific metadata is an easy task for PowerShell. Learn how to make PowerShell your command line for SharePoint.

Setting up your SharePoint Development Environment.
6/24/08 – 6:45 PM – Minneapolis Office Developer Interest Group (MODIG)
Setting up a SharePoint development environment can be a difficult hurdle for new SharePoint developers. We’ll cover some common development environment setups and tools, along with some uncommon ones. There will be an open discussion to discuss what is or isn’t working in your own environment and share tips and tricks with other developers.

Feature and Solution Development
6/14/2008 8:00 AM – Twin Cities SharePoint Camp
Features have greatly changed how you create and deploy SharePoint solutions. Common scenarios for feature deployment include Web Parts and workflows, but they offer much more power than that. Site templates can contain features that are automatically run when a user creates the site. Feature stapling allows multiple features to be chained together. Probably the most powerful scenario is the ability to create custom code that executes when the features are installed/uninstalled or activated/deactivated. Our ignagural meeting will detail the feature lifecycle and cover how to create and use your own features.


Web Part Development
4/22/08 – 5:30 PM – Minneapolis Office Developer Interest Group (MODIG)
Web Parts provide the primary interface for using SharePoint. For many developers, this is where their first exposure to developing on the SharePoint platform. We’ll introduce Web Part development and cover Part to Part communication, Personalization, using AJAX.net and creating a custom Tool Pane.

Extending PowerShell for Developers
4/5/2008 12:45pm – Twin Cities Code Camp
PowerShell provides a great set of commands to help with common administrative and development tasks, but sometimes more specialized options are needed. This session will focus on how to extend PowerShell to fit your organizaion’s unique needs. We will cover the creation of new cmdlets, snapins, providers and extending .Net types and the reasons for doing each type of customization.


Creating Custom Field Types
3/25/08 – 5:30 PM – Minneapolis Office Developer Interest Group (MODIG)
SharePoint 2007 has a powerful new feature that enables developers to create their own field types. These fields can allow additional UI flexibility, validation, data populated from LOBs, dependent dropdowns or even ASCX controls! We’ll cover the basics of creating your own field type along with some potential problems you might enounter.


Feature and Solution Development
2/21/2008 5:30 PM – Minneapolis Office Developer Interest Group (MODIG)
Features have greatly changed how you create and deploy SharePoint solutions. Common scenarios for feature deployment include Web Parts and workflows, but they offer much more power than that. Site templates can contain features that are automatically run when a user creates the site. Feature stapling allows multiple features to be chained together. Probably the most powerful scenario is the ability to create custom code that executes when the features are installed/uninstalled or activated/deactivated. Our ignagural meeting will detail the feature lifecycle and cover how to create and use your own features.


Minnesota SharePoint User Group (MNSPUG)
2/13/2008 9:00 AM – Microsoft Bloomington Office
SharePoint 2007 introduced many new features for end users, but it also opened the door for many new scenarios that were previously unavailble for developers. We’ll walk through the high level features in SharePoint and discuss how they can be customized and enhanced through custom development.


Workflow and Digital Forms
1/17/2008 – New Horizon’s Edina Office
This session will cover SharePoint 2007′s workflow and digital form capabilities. With the addition of workflow in SharePoint 2007, users now have the ability to manage and track multiple processes within their organization. This session will include many demonstrations of how to get started using workflow and digital forms in SharePoint 2007.


Workflow and Digital Forms
12/04/2008 – New Horizon’s Edina Office
This session will cover SharePoint 2007′s workflow and digital form capabilities. With the addition of workflow in SharePoint 2007, users now have the ability to manage and track multiple processes within their organization. This session will include many demonstrations of how to get started using workflow and digital forms in SharePoint 2007.


PowerShell for SharePoint Developers
11/07/2007 1:30pm – SharePoint Connections Fall 2007
PowerShell isn’t just for administrators! It can greatly speed up development time and broaden your understanding of how your code is executing inside of SharePoint. Changing the value of all the list items in a folder with specific metadata is an easy task for PowerShell. Want to add metadata to all the documents in a folder that were created in the last week? No problem! This session will go over the basics of PowerShell and how you can use PowerShell to explore and manipulate the SharePoint Object Model.


Customizing the SharePoint Mobile Experience
11/08/2007 10:15am – SharePoint Connections Fall 2007
SharePoint 2007 has been freed from the desktop browser. Now users can access SharePoint from a device as small as your phone! The smaller screen introduces a new set of design challenges. SharePoint creates a separate representation of the page for mobile clients. By modifying the mobile pages, you can add and format additional fields, as well as run custom controls. This session will cover how to customize SharePoint to increase mobile productivity and create a control to display additional information to mobile viewers.


Advanced Feature Development
11/08/2007 1:00pm – SharePoint Connections Fall 2007
Features have greatly changed how you create and deploy SharePoint solutions. Common scenarios for feature deployment include Web Parts and workflows, but they offer much more power than that. Site templates can contain features that are automatically run when a user creates the site. Feature stapling allows multiple features to be chained together. Probably the most powerful scenario is the ability to create custom code that executes when the features are installed/uninstalled or activated/deactivated. This session will detail the feature lifecycle and cover how to create and use your own advanced features.


WebPart Development Chalk Talk
4/28/2007 – Twin Cities Code Camp
I covered some common development scenarios: basic webparts, connectable webparts and using ASP User Controls with the SmartPart

Slides and Code

Introduction to PowerShell
4/28/2007- Twin Cities Code Camp
PowerShell is Microsoft’s latest command line shell, formerly codenamed Monad. Learn how to interact with PowerShell and leverage its powerful scripting capabilities into your own environment. Discover how PowerShell can help you automate repetitive tasks, work with the registry and aid in debugging. This session will cover the basic syntax of PowerShell, delve into common usages and explore graphical interfaces for working with the command line.


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