Just Add Code

New Years Resolutions

During the 5 years this illustrious blog has been in existence I’ve averaged an amazing 5 posts per year. During that same period, I’ve changed blog engines 4 times, averaging slightly over 6 posts per blogging engine. I’ve also got more plugins running than you can imagine. What does this tell me? I like maintaining my blog more than I like to post on it.

I’ve tried to determine the reasons, and have come up with the following:

I like tech, just not writing about it – It’s not that I’m not paying attention to what’s going on, I’m doing more of that than ever, I’m just not producing any content. Part of that is I haven’t really found my online writing voice. I have a bunch of half-finished posts that just need a ‘few more words’. Just getting in the habit of getting something out there more frequently should help.

Work topics – Most things have been related to the technologies that I’m using at work. If I solve a big problem or come up with something cool at work, I usually don’t want to go home and write about it.

Code Complete – The internet is a scary place for code…if you post it someone might actually use it! I’ve got a group of posts where I have some code done for them, but it isn’t very pretty. I think I’ll just put a scary warning on all my posts that the code probably didn’t ever work and if it did it’ll delete everything on your machine.

My 2010 resolution? How about posting on this thing a bit more. I’ll go crazy and say I’d like to DOUBLE my posting this year. Aim high, right? To help meet my goal I’ve come up with a series idea, I’m going to implement something this year and talk about it on my blog. What will it be? Well, if I string it out into another post I’ll already be 20% complete with meeting my resolution.

Who knows, maybe I’ll even get to use some of those fancy plugins this year.

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1 Comment so far

  1. Toby Getsch March 18th, 2010 11:24 am

    So ambitious! DOUBLE your posting. :)

    I feel similar in that there is so much to say, but it often isn’t polished or isn’t something that I’d want to stand behind. So, like you having changed blog engines (which I like WP the most right now) a few times, I actually just switch blogs. The probelem is that the 50 to 250 readers that were following one blog back in 2006 are now spread out over 5, and I have no idea if any of them really have any interest in the content.

    Oh well. Hurding cats or the ideas in one’s head is not the most wrangle-able bug. At least we try to try. And, having sat next to you at work, I know there’s plenty of cool stuff “out there”… So, I’ll still follow your ~10 posts. :)

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